Title: Awake and Share With Me ~ A Reposted Oldie | |
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Zydha | |
Date Posted:01-10-2020 12:51Copy HTML AWAKE AND SHARE WITH ME; (A late night nudge to 'the muse')
Opposites exist by virtue of each other
potleek | Share to: #1 |
Re:Awake and Share With Me ~ A Reposted Oldie Date Posted:01-10-2020 01:04Copy HTML Zy how often when in the mode of almost asleep we put together words of wisdom and great meaning.
Yet never get to write them down. Yet a night of dreams allows us to remember sometimes.
Oh the master pieces that have eluded us all...Tony (potleek)
Zydha | Share to: #2 |
Re:Awake and Share With Me ~ A Reposted Oldie Date Posted:05-10-2020 08:24Copy HTML For many years I used to be awake for most of the night, Tony, and I used those hours for expanding my poetry collection...gradually age and life abroad changed habits, but I can often sit and recall with ease. Poetry has always been my love of words and meanings, Zy Opposites exist by virtue of each other