Title: Flowers of the Field (repost) | |
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potleek | |
Date Posted:11-11-2020 11:24Copy HTML Flowers of the field
I have stood in the green fields of France And watched as the red poppies dance As the breezes gently blow But it wasn’t like this so long ago
For there was barbed wire and trenches And young soldiers covered in mud The ground was well trodden Soaked with Britain’s young blood
For every step that was taken each day Young lives were sadly taken away At times hundreds were killed by the hour Each life fell like petals from off a dying flower
Life was lost without care As shrapnel and bullets flew through the air But to halt or to go back they did not dare Or stop to give the wounded care
Their orders were to advance at all cost No matter how many lives were lost But now we remember on the eleventh hour How each life faded like a flower.
Copyright © 2003
Time is the most precious thing we have, but we are the poorer if we can't spend a little time on a friend
oldarmybear | Share to: #1 |
Re:Flowers of the Field (repost) Date Posted:16-08-2021 10:38Copy HTML One would think the world would learn something after fighting two world wars. Alas, it was not to be... I love your musings, Sir. |