Title: Memory Chimes (a very old one) | |
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Zydha | |
Date Posted:23-09-2020 10:40Copy HTML MEMORY'S CHIMES (1962 ~ 16 years old)
How beautiful to the mind is memory.
Encapturing forever the deepest sighs of love and the peels of laughter, as childhood rings its merry sound.
Hear those church bells tolling time to gather. Repetition - is their secret.
Time ~ to ~ Come Time ~ to ~ Sing Time ~ to ~ Love Time ~ to ~ Die
And the bell my mind recalls,
is a head held by its hair and the reverberation as the wall stood bravely square. Mercy was oblivion and a mind - no longer there.
Such is memory. Opposites exist by virtue of each other
sachasuzanne27 | Share to: #1 |
Re:Memory Chimes (a very old one) Date Posted:24-09-2020 09:22Copy HTML this is actually striking mum, yet sad .... the wording captures the very clever contrast from some having happy memories and how for some, they are not the case ... very emotive x |
potleek | Share to: #2 |
Re:Memory Chimes (a very old one) Date Posted:26-09-2020 09:50Copy HTML Zy, Yes memory is a wonderful thing when you have the ability to recall. The big things stick with me well, but the little things are soon forgotten...Tony (potleek)
Zydha | Share to: #3 |
Re:Memory Chimes (a very old one) Date Posted:26-09-2020 01:43Copy HTML Well read and understood, Sacha, a sad write, but one of truth, of childhood memories, one from Zydha's Place which you might not have read before, thanks, Darling, Mum x Opposites exist by virtue of each other
Zydha | Share to: #4 |
Re:Memory Chimes (a very old one) Date Posted:26-09-2020 01:54Copy HTML Recall can be a curse as well as a blessing to some, Tony, depending on the clarity, I found the copy of my private site (Zydha's Place) which David did for me (at the same time as copying all previous sites for everyone else) and this is one piece very close to my heart...and is about 58 years old, though one doesn't live it every day, it is far from forgotten, thanks for reading, Zy Opposites exist by virtue of each other