Title: Vin Garbutt: WINGS | |
bbcpoetrycorner > The Writer's Leisure Pad > Commemorative Videos and Our Music Jukebox | Go to subcategory: |
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potleek | |
Date Posted:02-01-2019 05:27Copy HTML
Time is the most precious thing we have, but we are the poorer if we can't spend a little time on a friend
Zydha | Share to: #1 |
Re:Vin Garbutt: WINGS Date Posted:02-01-2019 05:52Copy HTML The words could be quite meaningful, depending on what sort of lifestyle one has lived, but if one has mostly marched to their own drummer, there are usually less regrets (with aging). Every day cannot be a great one and one has to accept their limitations in all things, mmnnn it's still a good and meaningful folk song with super reflective thoughts.....thanks for sharing, Tony Opposites exist by virtue of each other
potleek | Share to: #2 |
Re:Vin Garbutt: WINGS Date Posted:02-01-2019 08:54Copy HTML Zy thank you for listening to the song.
My main reason for posting is the chorus, the song in itself also proves that we cannot cage things we love up.
I posted other things recently that got moved down the today page so quick they were never read, so thank you for listening...Tony (potleek)
Zydha | Share to: #3 |
Re:Vin Garbutt: WINGS Date Posted:02-01-2019 09:01Copy HTML Tony, sometimes it happens, I try to catch most posts but depending on time, health etc, posts can slip down, I know, it happens to mine, but give them a click and say just bumping up Zy Opposites exist by virtue of each other